Wednesday, March 25, 2009

phil|o - pokemoe: i lost it

ok so here's a picture i drew last night.. took about half an hour. lately i've gotten back into the pokemoe mood.. and in case you can or cant tell.. im not quite re-adjusted to it yet hahaha

so thinking i would go over it in flash like i did with selena, i scanned the picture, and here it is. but like.. i ended up just printing it to practice colouring.. i failed -.- i'd rather not show you haha.

here's the coloured picture though, courtesy of lyn and her dA account:

and yes this is a comic blog ive decided to bloody make the things i upload bigger.

i actually quite like it.. do you?


  1. pokemoe !! xD

    phil make me a pidgeot!! i forgot to tell you that, i told paul xD
    i wanna be a pidgeot pokemoe :3

  2. pronounced:

    "poe-keh moe-eh"

    sounds so much better than "moemon" -.-

    its like a bloody digimon otherwise
