Thursday, April 16, 2009


In the difficulties of an upcoming test i find a lack of spare time in which to draw.

So when i do have spare time, roughly a few seconds between doing one thing and the other, such as i type now and am about to make an actual pizza (protip: make your own pizza), i decide to address a major fault with my drawing style

cause seriously, im totally inconsistent. its not like i can draw something and replicate it without tracing easily.

thats really bad =/

so i draw circles.
dont always need paper
but they need to be as circly as possible.

someday ill defeat mr rawson at drawing circles.

who am i kidding, thats impossible.

i spose i dont need to upload my recent work then.

but dammit! i will totally make some totally awesome drawing which unlike most i am not embarassed to upload onto a globalised network =__=

nono, seriously, im not drawing hentai. nor naked people.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

lest we forget what?

that was the basic gist of today's anzac ceremony.

led zeppelin
untitled 4th album

Friday, April 3, 2009


an insightful satire on the follies on humankind's search for identity, or the hijinks of a retarded fish? you decide.

thoughts of a dying atheist

Thursday, April 2, 2009


i have no posted much here, as ive kept a bad track of things.

not only that, but school is being the delightful bitch that school is.

by delightful i mean ARRGH FUCK! I HATE SCHOOL! WHAT A BITCH.

but i have developed the need to update my drawing style rapidly.

whereas last time i updated from stick figures to anime, rapidly, i have found the need to draw more dynamically.

improved backgrounds. more detailed people. more detailed everything. proper drawing proportions.

the only way to take that next logical step however, is a particularly dark route.

of all manga-ka i have observed, they only share one common trait which leads to the mastery of their own drawing style. this has infuriated me.

they can all draw hentai.

~i will now be taking a substantial hiatus from this blog in a quest to draw really, really dam well.